Forensic Services

Dr. Sweeton has experience as an expert witness, consultant, and forensic evaluator in capital murder, personal injury, malpractice, and criminal defense cases. She also has extensive experience working with veterans pursuing service connection disability for mental disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury. Please note that Dr. Sweeton does not offer service connection disability evaluations (DBQs) for other conditions.

Dr. Sweeton offers psychological expertise in the following matters:

  • Veteran service connection disability (including for families of deceased veterans)
  • Psychotherapy malpractice
  • Personal/psychological injury
  • Competency and mitigation
  • Psychological malingering
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder

If you are an attorney interested in working with Dr. Sweeton, contact Dr. Sweeton’s assistant to set up a time to discuss your case. Please include in your inquiry the location (state) of the case, and whether any individual needing evaluated is residing or detained in a different state. The fee for forensic evaluations is $600/hour. Depositions are invoiced at $800/hour, with a minimum of three hours. Testimony is invoiced at $8,000/day, charged by the day, plus travel expenses. 

If you are a veteran seeking a service connection disability evaluation for mental disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, or traumatic brain injury, contact Dr. Sweeton’s assistant to begin this process. In your inquiry, please include your location (state), the type of evaluation you are requesting, and whether you are currently service connected for any mental health or medical condition. The fee for all service connection disability evaluations is $5,000.